Tan emocionados como estamos por el verano y todo lo que viene con él... Días relajantes en la playa, almuerzos largos, excelentes restaurantes, cócteles para morirse, bailar toda la noche...
This winter Tapas owners Tony & Becky have been putting their endless energy and enthusiasm to the test. And training hard…
Su valor y determinación finalmente se pondrán a prueba con sus próximos desafíos deportivos.
- Tony correrá el maratón de Ibiza el sábado 8 de abril de 2022.
- Y tanto Tony como Becky correrán la Media Maratón de Ibiza el domingo 1 de mayo de 2022.
We are very aware that the world is all a bit upside down at the moment. With the horrific situation ongoing in Ukraine. The fallout from the conflict seems to be never-ending. Becky & Tony have chosen to run their marathons in aid of Hope and Homes for Children. A wonderful charity working closely with neighbouring Romania & Moldova. To help safely home orphaned children escaping from war-torn Ukraine.

¿Quiénes son Esperanza y Hogares para Niños?
Hope and Homes has been working to transform the lives of children in orphanages since 1994. Today they are working with children in 30 countries. Where their teams of skilled, local child-protection professionals strive to keep families together, reunite or build new families.
A medida que se intensifica la guerra en Ucrania, muchas personas quieren hacer algo: cualquier cosa - ayudar. Al donar a su trabajo en Ucrania, Moldavia y Rumania, estarás protegiendo a los niños y las familias tanto ahora como después de esta horrible guerra.
LEER MÁS: Acerca del Llamamiento Urgente de Ucrania Hogar y Viviendas
“Luchamos para que cada niño sienta el amor y la pertenencia de un hogar familiar seguro.
Every child needs someone who supports them & takes care of them,
who wants them to be happy.
Todos los niños necesitan saber que son amados y que pertenecen”.
Hogar y Hogares para Niños
In the past month, Home and Homes have successfully moved children from Ukraine, into neighbouring Romania. Here they will be safe and cared for until they can return home. Sadly, with so much chaos comes a higher chance of children getting lost out of the system, and potentially being lost into trafficking too. This is why their Ukraine appeal is so time-sensitive.
LEER MÁS: Sobre la reciente evacuación exitosa de 63 niños
“These children were evacuated in a coordinated fashion, only when the time was right, by the right professionals, and in conjunction with local authorities in Ukraine and Romania. It was a long journey, but the children are now safe and well, and receiving psychological support.
We are ensuring that these children get what we demand for every child. They are tracked. That they are relocated to temporary safe accommodation, close to Ukraine. That they are not lost in faraway institutions around the world, or at risk of trafficking. That they are relocated with their caregivers (and their carers’ families) – the ones who know best the children’s individual needs, treatments or simply their preferences. They’ve been kept together.
Esta evacuación es un ejemplo de las mejores prácticas. Y exigimos lo mismo para los 100.000 niños que quedan en los orfanatos de Ucrania”.
Robert Ion, Portavoz, Hogar y Hogares para Niños Rumano

Si desea donar a Becky & Tony. Para darles el empujón extra que necesitan en el camino para seguir llegando a la meta. Todas las donaciones serán recibidas con mucha gratitud.