After getting wind of the possibility of taking over the lease of Tapas Ibiza. Becky & Tony saw an opportunity not to be missed. Despite the location being a bit off the beaten track. The potential was clear to them from the start. There is no denying they fought tooth and nail in the early years, with just a few tables and minimal staff.
And with their natural charm, generosity and motivation, they have developed the restaurant into a “must-visit” destination. Additionally, they have attracted a wonderful loyal team to work alongside them. Helping to make the restaurant what it is today.
Tapas has made a name for itself in recent years, even winning the Tripadvisor Travellers Choice award for the last 2 years. And featuring in the UK press and attracting a huge international clientele from the far reaches of the globe, as well as TV personalities, DJs and Artists.
The Tapas Story so far... Tapas Ibiza
Frühjahr 2012: Der Anfang
Tony & Becky took over the lease from Ange and Rino. Tapas opened with just 12 tables, a small team, a tiny kitchen and some big ideas!

2012 - 2014: The Early Years!
For the first few years, Tony & Becky worked day and night to get the business off the ground. They build important relationships with the locals, and local businesses to get the word out about their new project. *At this point we would like to thank Jason and the Linekers team for their huge support in the early days, sending customers down the road to us, helped put us on the map.
However once people discovered the beauty and charm of Tapas and the incredible food that was being served. It was a given that they would return and help us to spread the word.
2015: Abschied von den Palmen und Begrüßung einer neuen Bar und eines Segeltuchdachs
This year saw the removal of the beautiful big palm trees on the terrace, sadly they were dying. However, this allowed space for a new canvas roof to be installed. Providing some all-important shade and a bit of protection from the elements. This year also saw the extension of the cocktail bar, and a new chapter began…
Head Chef Lou also joined the team this year, the creator of many of the wonderful tapas dishes you have all enjoyed over the years. And also the creator of the now legendary Tapas Cheesecake recipe.

2016: Willkommen Paulo
Multilingual Paulo, of Portuguese heritage, was a very welcome addition to the team in 2016. As our long-standing host at Tapas, he made a huge difference to the team.
Especially in the early years allowing Tony to concentrate on looking after the customers while Paulo juggled the door with his natural calm and collected temperament.
Paulo is still the welcoming face that greets all of our lovely customers.

2017: Das Jahr der Liebe & Romantik

2018: Willkommen Ben & ein neues wasserdichtes Dach
Ben trat dem Managementteam als Bar Manager bei und brachte seine kreative Ader mit. All diese köstlichen Hauscocktails wurden von Ben und seinem Barteam sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Nachdem er kürzlich einen Sommelierkurs absolviert hat, war Ben maßgeblich an der Entwicklung unserer sorgfältig ausgewählten Weinkarte beteiligt.
This year also saw the very welcome addition of the new terrace roof! This made a huge difference early and late season. Providing a waterproof terrace, allows the restaurant to stay open no matter the weather.

2019: Willkommen Jess
Jess joined the team as General Manager & Marketing Manager bringing with her some new ideas and some impressive organisational skills (you should see her to-do lists).
With a passion for all things creative, Jess started to work on streamlining Tapas’ brand image.
As well as sprinkling her interior design flare around the restaurant, and being a regular face on the floor team.

2020: Harte Zeiten & eine Auszeichnung
Es war kein einfaches Jahr für alle in der Hotellerie und im Tourismus.
The restaurant managed 3 months of trade in 2020 despite the pandemic, but it was not easy at all.
As ever Becky & Tony chose to take all the positives they could from this experience. Taking this (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sit back, reflect, and look at the business objectively. Along side their team, they came up with some ideas on how things can be done even better. To keep at the top of their game.
A big glimmer of reassurance came towards the end of the season when we won the Tripadvisor Travellers Choice Award, placing us in the top 10% of restaurants in the world.

2021: Das Jahr des blinden Glaubens und ein neuer Markenauftritt!
Während des erzwungen langen Winters 2020 / 2021 beschloss das Managementteam, die verlängerte Nebensaison zu nutzen und gemeinsam an einem neuen, frischen Markenauftritt zu arbeiten. Welches im Frühjahr 2021 eingeführt wurde.
With crazy rules to start with (that were changing every 14 days). And minimal staff, the season went from strength to strength. With Becky & Jess serving the whole terrace between them each night. It was a tough summer. However, thanks to our amazing international clientele and support from friends, regular customers and local businesses we finished the season stronger than ever!
Abschied von Küchenchef Lou, während Alex als Küchenchef aufsteigt
Lou verließ das Team Ende 2020, um auf dem Festland ein neues Kapitel ihres Lebens zu beginnen. Lou und Alex haben diesen Sommer eng zusammengearbeitet, um einen reibungslosen Übergang zu ermöglichen.
Alex ist seit 2016 Teil der Tapas Story. 2021 trat er auf und übernahm die Position des Küchenchefs. Mit seiner ruhigen Art und seinen außergewöhnlichen kulinarischen Fähigkeiten sorgen der in Griechenland geborene Alex und sein engagiertes Team für den reibungslosen Service unseres köstlichen Tapas-Menüs. Während sie ihre kreative Faszination mit nächtlichen Specials zum Ausdruck bringen.
Und ja, wir haben zum zweiten Mal in Folge den Tripadvisor Travellers Choice Award gewonnen…
2022: Ein neues Interieur und ein neuer Essbereich im Garten
Not ones for resting on their laurels. Becky and Tony invested back into the business again during the winter and reformed the interior of Tapas with the addition of a new disabled toilet, and a new men’s toilet. As well as a new-look interior.
At the end of Summer 2021, the big old fig tree in the garden sadly fell down, taking the old garden bar and the tent with it. As ever Becky and Tony saw this as an opportunity! With the help of the team, reconfigured the garden area to allow for more space for group bookings, weddings and events.
This Summer we also had the pleasure of hosting two beautiful Weddings at Tapas. Congratulations to Emma & Jack and Nikki & Danny we wish you long and happy lives together.

Abschließend möchten wir unserem großartigen Team danken: Jess, Ben, Alex, Sofia, Andre, Ricardo, Seren, George, Ovi, Paulo, Ed, Tamara, Daniel, Mamadou, Imre, Riz, Hugo, Seb, Chris, Ty, Lehmad und Azman.
And a final special mention to a few key people who have played an important role in the Tapas story over the years. Bonnie, Juanma and Darren.

Ein letzter Gedanke: Wir freuen uns auf die Zukunft.
We will continue to do our best and keep the restaurant evolving to be better and better. That means better food, better drinks, better service.
We aim to be a restaurant for everyone. Regardless of any dietary requirements or preferences. We want every single customer to be blown away by the tapas experience. And leave the restaurant excited to spread the word.
Auf die nächsten 10 Jahre und darüber hinaus…